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Academic Signature
An open
source program for elliptic curve cryptography
using a wxWidgets GUI ( ecc
digital signatures, ecc encryption and timestamps)
This is a self contained
public key cryptography program, which minimizes dependency on
influenced products and standards.
Academic Signature is to be used as a "Swiss Army Knife" of strong cryptography - you trigger all operations manually. It will do nothing without your explicit consent. It is an offline tool, suitable for air gapped systems. At no point does it ever initiate any network traffic.
The ciphers are meant to be transferred via
the web, yet you do that manually with methods and patterns
of your choice (for high end security, e.g., via OnionShare or as
e-mail attachments using a pseudonymous account created and
used via Tor).
Intelligent lay people can install it, understand it and use
it. Yet it offers the strongest cryptographic protection
available today (up to 1032 bit ecc, symmetric ciphers up to
4096 bit block length and key length, payload size
camouflage(PLSC), deterministic ECC digital signatures, semantically secure
hybrid ciphers).
****************************************** NEWS: ***********************************************
- Academic Signature can now easily be compiled from
source on the Raspberry Pi
The Public Keys
I used for signing source and binaries
Critical questions commonly asked by experts
Specifications: The "Academic Signature Standard"Troubleshooting:
aca_sig on the Raspberry PI(in raspbian)
the build process in (k/l/X/...)-Ubuntu Cosmic
Cuttlefish (18.10)
Troubleshooting the build process in (k/l/X/...)-Ubuntu Artful
Aardvark (17.10)
the build process in (k/l/X/...)-Ubuntu Zesty
Zapus (17.04)
ciphers as e-mail attachment
Mitigating a Windows 8 problem
Statement according to DSGVO / Erklärung
nach DSGVO,
M. Anders, Am Redder 91a, D-25337 Klein Nordende, e-mail: Michael.Anders@academic-signature.org